Additional Configurations

These configurable features power Yottaa's analytics and user security.

Page Categories

Page Categories help you get information about different types of pages on your site. Analytics are organized into page categories on most dashboards, including Traffic and Web Vitals, where page categories are integral to the diagnostics section.

Single Sign-On

Single sign-on applications allow users to log in to multiple applications with a single action using just one username and password.You can configure single sign-on for Yottaa.

Dual-Factor Authentication

You can also opt into dual-factor authentication for Yottaa, and configure it to use your choice of authentication app.

Context Intelligence Settings

The Context Intelligence Settings page allows organization administrators to manage user profiles and split tests. User profiles and split tests are advanced options that are useful for some sites.

Maintenance Sites

From time to time, you need to take your website offline for updates or maintenance. While your site is under construction, you can handle your site traffic gracefully by redirecting it to a maintenance site. You configure the maintenance site to display a message telling your customers that your site is being updated and will be back online soon.

The Audit Trail Record List Page

The Audit Trail Record List page is a table with a row for each user activity that caused a configuration change on your site or platform portal. You can view, filter, sort, and export the Audit Trail Record List page.

Users, Roles, and Privileges

Yottaa provides a range of roles and privileges for organizing user access to features. If you are the Organization Administrator, you can add user accounts to your organization. Yottaa users log in with a user ID and a password and an optional dual-factor authentication code. When you create a user account you can grant one or more of the roles described, depending on the user's level of responsibility and the typical tasks they perform in your organization.

Setting Up SSL Management

Setting up SSL Management is another step in creating appropriate security protections for your system.

SSL management is like a handshake between your browser and the server that says communication between the two is encrypted and safe. For example, when you log into your bank’s website and see a lock icon in the address bar, you know the connection is encrypted by SSL management.

To set up SSL management, you need an SSL certificate. You can either create one and send it to Yottaa, or we can provide one for you to use. For staging sites, we recommend using Yottaa’s Let's Encrypt, while for production sites it is best to deploy your dedicated certificate.


The troubleshooting topic introduces techniques you can use to explore issues.

Yottaa's Subprocessors

Yottaa uses several subprocessors. They are listed here, with links for more information about terms of service, privacy and compliance.

External Tools

There are several tools you can use to monitor and test your site. They are listed here.